
Novel Infinite

Blazor WebAssembly
Entity Framework Core
SQL Server
Duende IdentityServer

A Project Sharing Platform built using Blazor WebAssembly, ASP.NET Core API, Entity Framework Core, and SQL Server. It integrates OIDC Authentication with Duende IdentityServer for Google and GitHub logins.

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background


This project is a Project Sharing Platform built using Blazor WebAssembly, ASP.NET Core API, Entity Framework Core, and SQL Server. It integrates OIDC Authentication with Duende IdentityServer for Google and GitHub logins. The application allows users to create projects and share them with the community. The application also implements a elaborate authentication and authorization system using ASP.NET Core Identity and Duende IdentityServer. The application allows to share projects with the community and also allows to follow other users and projects. It also has an integrated blogging platform that allows users to write blogs to explain their projects and share them with the community.


  • Uses ASP.NET Core Identity to support users logins
  • Uses Duende IdentityServer to integrate with Google and GitHub logins
  • Creates a separate user profile for each user
  • Allows users to create projects and share them with the community
  • Allows users to follow other users and projects
  • Allows users to write blogs to explain their projects and share them with the community
  • Links projects with blogs to provide a better user experience


  • ASP.NET Core 6.0
  • Blazor WebAssembly
  • Entity Framework Core 6.0
  • SQL Server 2022

Source Code

The source code is available on GitHub here.


Find the demo application running here.